At prayer breakfast, Obama says Christian faith guides his policies – The Washington Post

At prayer breakfast, Obama says Christian faith guides his policies – The Washington Post.

Interesting.  I’m sure all the militant atheists who have a brain aneurism every time a Republican mentions God are enraged about this.  I mean, the guy is basically stating that he makes policy for the nation based on his religion.  That’s the same thing as a theocracy, right?


About Dude Where's My Freedom?

My name's Matt and I love Freedom.
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1 Response to At prayer breakfast, Obama says Christian faith guides his policies – The Washington Post

  1. David in Liberty says:

    Good catch. He is just a lying snake that says anything that his lackeys believe will be popular with the media.

    Obama, much to the chagrin of the handful of people who still believe otherwise (like the Cal-Berkeley academic staff) is just another two bit political hack.

Constructive discussion is welcome.